Drifted to Sheridan and Paddled Back To Monte Rio In My Yak

Friday April 26, 2019 Monte Rio CA.

Monte Rio to Sheridan and back

I headed on down to Monte Rio this morning around 11 and put my boat in the water at the boat ramp. I decided to go down river a couple miles today. The river was still flowing pretty good from the recent rains so I put the boat in a drift and drifted on down.

I’m just off the boat ramp here and started on down the river to a nice day. There was a bit of a breeze blowing up the river but not too bad.river


Right away I spotted this turtle and mallard duck sunning on this old log.turtle


I paddled on into this area and sat for a bit enjoying the day and watching for wild life.river3


Turned around here

I made it down to this spot and pulled in for a rest and a watch just below the Sheridan beach to the left there. This is looking back up the river.sheridan


After a break I started back up the river going along the edges as the water flows less there so it’s easier to paddle up.

Osprey nest just up ahead

Here I’m just entering the Villa Grande hole area where there is an osprey nest.villa


And there was an osprey home likely with eggs or little ones in the nest.osprey


I stopped in this spot for a bit before paddling on up the river.river8


I saw a a bird fly up into the trees which turned out to be this green night heron. They are about the size of a chicken.heron


I stopped here for awhile just below Monte Rio which is up by the hill ahead so not too far to go.river9


I’m  just starting up through what the fishermen call the slot where the current is pretty strong so I had to work a bit to get through it.rio


At the Monte Rio boat ramp

I made it to Monte Rio and pulled into this spot for a watch before going over to the boat ramp there across the river.ramp


I put the boat back on top of the car and drove on home for a nap.

Watering and chair hopping

After the nap I did some watering where it needed it. And I did some chair hopping doing some planning for a bit more fencing and some more gates to control the chickens in the yard which I need to get done as I have more spring garden to plant and it’s time or almost time.

My new camera

I checked on my new camera under the house. The camera is this one. It’s by Reolink, a C2 Pro and about 1oo dollars on Amazon.

It’s the best one I’ve used so far. I plug it into a power source, it’s USB and plugs into 110 volts and uses the wireless to view things on my computer or it records any motion when something moves. The software for a computer is very good and they make an app for phones too.

It’s not weather proof but it’s easy to put it under something to keep it dry. The one in the chicken pen is under a board fastened to a camera tripod and has been out there all winter through some real weather.

The C2 Pro PTZ wireless camera is about 4 or 5 inches high.c2-pro

It’s a fairly easy camera to hookup and use.

That pretty much wraps up my day for another nice one.

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