Exploring For Access Points and I Find Spring Water

Friday June 9, 2023 Plumas National Forest CA.


We’ll continue to explore the Last Chance Creek for access points today. We’ll be going down stream about ten miles from here on this road.road1


There’s lots of lush meadows on the way.meadow2


Old cabin

We spotted this old cabin along the road so stopped to check it out. It didn’t look like anyone was using the place much.cabin3


This was an access point, so we stopped to walk down to the creek to check it out. Not too good for camping.vans4


We pulled in here for a break and to check out the map.vans6


We moved on down the road.meadow7


We were headed to the last access spot we wanted to check out down this way.meadow8


Petered out

We got side tracked on this road that eventually petered out on us so we turned around.road9


And got back on the main road.road10


Last spot

The last access point is just up ahead here as the road hits the creek.road11


We stopped at the end of the road by the creek to check this spot out.vans11


Lots of water

There was lots of water in the creek and it would be nice to come back here later when there is less water in the creek.creek12


We decided to work our way back to the same camp spot we were at last night as we like that one a lot. I followed Marty out on this road.road12


Nap time

We made it back to our camp spot and it was nap time.

Looking for spring water

After a good break I walked on over to this cabin that was near our camp spot. There’s an old truck parked there, but there’s no one here. I think is it a government work cabin.cabin13


My purpose for walking over to this old cabin was to see if there was a spring there so I could get some more good water for the trip. I found this old watering tank and looked around and found the spring pipe that was broken. We’ll come back tomorrow and see if we can fix up the pipe to fill our water containers.water14


Nice day.

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