Gate Repair and Getting Some Redwood Logs for a Chicken Roost

Thursday September 17, 2020 Guerneville CA.

Gate repair

I hadn’t planned much to do today as I mostly just needed to rest up after yesterday’s hard work on the water springs climbing around the steep hillsides.

Marty had backed his van into the gate for the carrot patch and caused the top bar to break at the welds so I needed to remove the gate and take it over to the welder to repair it.gate1


The gate was just wired up so all I had to do was remove the wires and pack it over to the welding area. A couple welds and it was ready  to put back up.weldup2


Gate fixed

I put the gate back up with steel wire and that should do it. The carrots aren’t ready yet.gate3


Watering new trees

I planted these two citrus trees last spring and have been watering them to get them to be big trees which might take awhile as they were real small when I got them.citrus4


The little trees do have a lot of new growth on them.plant5


I didn’t sleep well last night so I spent a good deal of the afternoon napping.

Getting redwood logs

Around 4 I got the stuff together I’d need to cut down some small redwoods to make logs to make the roost in the adult pen larger as I have more chickens getting big and the roost is getting crowded.cutlogs5


I loaded up the redwood logs onto my Toyota to take home to the chicken coup.logs7


I hauled the logs home and dumped them at the chicken coup for working on later. That’ll be another day when I’m fresh.

The rest of the day I spent puttering around  the yard tending to my chicken’s needs as there’s always something to do taking care of them and I got some chair hopping in too.

Nice day.

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