I Left My Camera at Home This Morning

Thursday January 9, 2014 Jenner CA.

And I needed it right away too

I went on down to Jenner today to kayak. I arrived around eleven in the morning and as I was coming into town I could see Ray already in his boat waiting across the river by Penny Island.

As I was putting my boat in the water, I realized I had forgotten my pack with my camera in it at home this morning. Oh Well, that means I’ll likely see something of interest that I could of taken pictures of today.

I put my boat in the water and started crossing over to where Ray was. The wind was up a little and there were some waves. The river’s mouth was open and it was going to low tide.

Action already, darn

Just as I was getting over to where Ray was, he says there’s some sea lions eating a big fish over there just in front of The Arctica Café. Likely steelhead as that is what’s coming up the river right now.

Darn, right in front of us and I don’t have my camera. Ray and I sat there and watched the action for a few minutes before things quieted down and they consumed the fish.

Although I didn’t have my camera, I do have some pics from last year to illustrate what we were watching. I call them bonus pics. Bonus because I have them stored in a folder to bring forward to show.

Seagulls in the water with water flying means seals or sea lions have a big fish and they are waiting for any scraps. In this picture the sea lions have a big fish and are battling with each other to get a bite.sealionbirds


More splashing as the sea lions fight over the big fish.sealionfish2


This picture shows a sea lion eating a big fish. Down the hatch.sealionfish


We hung around that area for a bit to see if there would be any more action, but there was not, so we headed on up the river on the south shore to Eagle’s landing. The wind was picking up as we went. There didn’t appear to be many birds in the water, on land or in the air today, maybe because of the wind.

A walk on the Poison Oak Alley Trail

Since the wind was picking up, we didn’t stay up river very long and started working our way back down along the south shoreline. When we got to Otter’s log, it looked like we could land and get to shore fairly easily, so we landed and went for a hike up Poison oak alley trail back up to eagle’s landing. It’s an interesting trail that goes though quite a few different micro systems as far as plant life. The trail is mostly flat, but it has ups and downs in the bushes stepping up and down and over things, so it gives you a good work out, working most of the bodies muscles.

By the time we got back to our boats, the walk was just about right to give us a good work out.

The wind was really up now

Back in the boats, we noticed the wind had come up some more. 25 miles an hour or so and gusting to about 35. It wasn’t too cold though.

The wind worked us a lot more while paddling, so we decided not to go down to the river’s mouth as it would be too much work and Ray had a sore chest, maybe a cracked rib, so he was trying to take it easy, but the wind wouldn’t let him much.

Fighting the wind, we paddled back across the river to the launch ramp and took out for the day around two thirty I think it was.

So, I came home and had a nap, then started some bread dough to make some pull apart buns, which are rising now. I also made a couple of doughnut things I deep fried and plan to fill with my home made peach jam when they cool, which should be yummy. :O)

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