Intended to Kayak, Fixed the Gate, Mended the Fence, Chased the Deer Out and I Was Beat

Wednesday May 31, 2017 Guerneville CA.

Foam for the kayak carrier

My plan for the day was to finish up the car kayak job by adding some foam and getting the kayak back on the car so I could go kayaking.

So I found some foam and cut it to size and put the boat back on the car.boatrack


I got all my gear together and in the car and headed on out.

But I didn’t get very far

My brother Tom was at my automatic gate in his golf cart saying the gate was stuck. About that time a baby deer was also trying to get out under the fence on the hill just above the gate. Gee I thought I had those deer blocked yesterday, but I guess not. The baby got out ok, which meant I had another spot to fix.

But first I had to fix the gate

Here’s my electric gate.gate


I could see it was binding up so I got some tools and started working on it at this end.gatewalk


The gate adjuster is rusted stuck

I needed to adjust the gate, but I found the nut wouldn’t turn so I wasn’t able to adjust it. What to do? I make that silver washer and cut it out so it would slide it over the  threaded part and tightened it up and adjusted the top adjuster on the gate instead and that worked.spacer


Needed to work on the pressing matter

I tinkered with the gate a bit more and got it going satisfactorily and was thinking I should go kayaking, but the deer problem is a pressing matter as they are eating a lot of stuff in my yard, especially my brother’s newly planted raspberry plants.

So, I moved the car back into the carport and got the fence mending tools and materials out to mend the fence where the deer have been coming into the yard.

Mending the  fence

They were going up this rather steep hill by the main gate and crawling under the loose fence which meant I had to crawl up there to fix it up. I put a couple more strands of barbed wire up there and another metal post.deer


I slipped down a couple times, but I persisted and got er done. It’s hard to believe the deer where going up this hill to get in. Hopefully no more.fence


Kayaking is off for the day

After all that I was too pooped to go kayaking so had a nap instead.

Later in the day near evening I was walking around my yard and jumped another deer out of some bushes it was hiding in. I’m pretty sure it was hiding in the yard from when they got in earlier, at least I hope so or I haven’t fixed all the bad spots yet, but I think I have.

I chased that deer all over the place

I chased that deer around my house about ten times before I decided I’d need some help getting it out of the yard. About that time I heard my brother Tom over at the neighbors so I recruited them to help out. With there help I finally drove the  deer over the fence in the creek. I was really worn out after that and headed in for another nap.

That was my day.

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