Just Missed a Feeding Frenzy Paddling Around the Estuary

Saturday February 20, 2016 Jenner CA.

Nice day for a paddle

No rain this morning so I drove on down to Jenner and put my boat in the  water and paddled over to the little channel on the upper end of Penny Island and sat here for a spell.channel


After a bit, I headed across to the south shore and started working my way up the river and stopped at this spot I call Telescope and sat under the trees for awhile.spot


Osprey with a fish

Just as I pushed out to head up the river some more, this osprey flew over with a fish in it’s talons.osprey


Just missed the frenzy

Just past the osprey I ran into this big flock of cormorants and some seals and a bunch of great blue herons and some more ospreys all either sitting or swimming or flying around in this spot.hunters

I didn’t realize it right away, but after I saw some more of the birds sitting around the area, I realized I just missed a big feeding frenzy. The cormorants, osprey and great blue herons get together and do a hunt on the fish. This time the seals also joined them. They swim around and herd the fish into a big school and when things are just right, everything attacks the fish and then the fish usually escape and it’s over. I witnessed this twice up in the Monte Rio area, but here, I figure I just missed it.

I continued up along the rivers side heading to the Muskrat area.river


Lots of great blue herons

Now, I’ll show you some of the great blue herons hanging around.

This one sitting along the shoreline.heron


And this one in the trees.heron2


I crossed over the river by Paddy’s rock. A goose and a heron sitting in the grass.birds


Two more great blue herons on Paddy’s rock. More great blue herons around than usual. Yummy hatchery fish.herons3


I continued paddling down along the shoreline looking for birds.

These geese were resting as I went by.geese


I could see these mallard duck on a log sleeping in the grass.mallards


I paddled down the river along Penny Island when I saw Ken just pulling into his boat house with his row boat so I went over to shoot the bull for a bit. As I was chatting with him, this osprey came screeching in and landed in the tree just above us.osprey2


River’s open mouth area

I continued on down towards the river’s open mouth paddling along and looking like this.sun


I paddled past the open mouth and continued on down to the very end of the river and sat around enjoying the sun.

These male merganser ducks swam up on me fairly close before they realized their mistake and took off.merganser


As I paddled out of that area, I went by these golden eye ducks.goldens


Man those sea lions bark loud

I paddled over in front of the open mouth area to have a look. There was a lot of barking going on. This one sea lion about in the middle of the picture was barking loudly for some reason. They sure do have a loud bark.sealion


The day was getting late, so I headed on in for the day and went on home and that was my day.

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