Late Day Paddle at Jenner

Sunday May 4, 2014 Jenner CA.

Some yard work first

This morning when I got it going, I went out and gassed and oiled the chain saw and proceeded to cut up all the tree limbs that fell in the yard last winter and used the wheel barrel to haul the wood to my woodshed. Limbs that fall off of the big redwood trees are as big as some trees and they make excellent wood.

Evening kayak

I met Steve at Jenner around two PM for a late day paddle at Jenner. We paddled across to Penny Island and into the channel at the east end where we sat around for a bit before continuing on up the river on the south side.

This is our view as we paddled along the river’s edge going up the river.upview


We didn’t go too far before Steve wanted to turn around and head back down towards the river’s mouth.

We passed these two ducks just before we got back to Penny Island. The one on the left is a male merganser and I’m not sure what the one on the right is?ducks


Penny Island walk

We landed here on Penny Island and went for a short walk.shore


The trail on Penny islands east end, the end I call the tourist end.trail


Looking from Penny Island over to the town of Jenner on our walk.jenner2


I had a short nap on the island before we continued on down to the west end of Penny Island where I spotted these terns resting on the beach.terns


River’s mouth area

We could hear the ocean pounding on the beach way before we got down to the river’s mouth. This was our view as we approached it.mouth


There were lots of harbor seals beached with their new pups that are growing fast,a s well as lots of seagulls, cormorants and terns.

Here are some of the seals with their pups. The pups are getting big.seals2


We sat around the mouth area for quite awhile in the wind. When we got tired of the wind we headed back towards Penny Island.

I spotted an eagle flying over my head.eagle2


I took a couple more pictures of the terns on the west end of the island. They sure remind me of bandits.terns2


The sun was getting low in the sky when I took this picture of a big redwood stump in the water.evening


We paddled up the back channel of the island and pulled into the east end channel where we sat around for a bit enjoying the evening and the wind was dying down


This was our view from the east end channel looking back over to the town of Jenner just before we went in for the day.jenner


We had a nice paddle and enjoyed the evening.

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2 Responses to Late Day Paddle at Jenner

  1. Bill Henderson says:

    Bob, on Sunday I was coming home from fishing up on the north coast, around Salt Point, Stump Beach area and saw you loading your yak just passed sunset in Jenner. We caught some Ling cod, seatrout. Saw quite a few whales, seals and pups, and dolfins. Great day on the northcoast also. Nice seeing you.
    Bill, stay safe

    • admin says:

      Hi Bill,
      Sounds like you had a great day too. We have a very nice area around here.

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