More Chicks and Still Coming and Planting My Rhubarb Plants

Friday June 21, 2019 Guerneville CA.

Getting lots of little peeps

This hen has six peeps born a couple days ago.peep


Goldie has a bunch

This hen I call Goldie has 11 or 12 little guys. They move around a lot and are hard to count. She seems to be a good momma taking care of them all. Gertie is in the box and should hatch her eggs out in another day or so.peepers


Closer view of the chickspeeps


Planting rhubarb plants

When I was shopping a couple days ago I bought some rhubarb plants and now I needed to get them in the ground.

I was thinking of putting them in this spot but I thought it might be too small for all 4 plants when they got bigger.weeds


I dug the plot up and put some redwood leaf mulch in there before planting two of the rhubarb plants.plants


Here’s the two rhubarb plants planted and now I’m ready to plant the other two plants.rhubarb


Which I did in this spot after digging it up and mulching it.barbplants


Glad to get that job done now they can grow and grow.


I puttered around a lot today just checking things and watching the new little peeps and  moving sprinklers to water the weeds for the chickens.

Feeds four at a time

Late in the day I let the chickens get into this Grandpa’s feeder. Who says it can only feed four at a time?feeder


Notice the rooster is smart enough not to get in the middle of all those hens.

Nice day puttering around the yard.

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One Response to More Chicks and Still Coming and Planting My Rhubarb Plants

  1. George Yates says:

    Sounds like a wonderful productive day. Should not take too long and you will be enjoying fresh Rhubarb. And lotsa chicken as well.

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