Moving Wood and Checking Out An Old Fire Trail

Thursday July 25, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Yard work

This pile of firewood needed to be moved, so I got the wheelbarrow out and loaded it up to move the wood to the new spot.wood1

I moved the wood the short distance to the new shed location.pile2

It took six loads to get the job done.woodpile3

Once the wood was moved, I put the sprinkler on the cherry trees where the wood pile was.water4

Forest work

After a break from all the wood moving, I rode on up to this spot in the forest to see if there was an old fire trail down the ridge that is in back of Hondo.hondo5

I found an old fire trail down there, but the access needed to be improved to get on it.ridge6

From there I rode around the hills a bit just enjoying the day.

Nice day.

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