New Cam Brackets, New Chair and Drizzle, Drizzle

Tuesday October 10, 2023 Guerneville CA.

I started the day chair hopping around the yard doing little things that needed done.

Beef stew

I cut stuff up to make some beef stew in my Instant Pot and got that going for later.

Cam brackets

Later in the day, I decided to ride up into the hills and do a bit of work and set up a couple more trail cams. I got these black brackets in the mail that I can screw into a tree and mount a cam on it and wanted to set two of them up on trees to see how they work out.bracket


New chair

And this box with a new chair came in that I needed to put together which I was going to do when I got back.,,,,,,,,,,,,


Drizzle, drizzle

But as I was getting the stuff together that I would need up in the forest, it started to drizzle lightly. I sat around a bit hoping the drizzle would let up.

The chickens didn’t seem to mind the light drizzle.chickens


I waited, but it appeared the drizzle wasn’t going to let up, so I decided to work on putting the new chair together, so I opened up the box to see what needed to be done to get the new chair


Here’s the parts for the new chair. Looks pretty easy to put it together so I got with it.newparts


Van chair

I got this new chair to replace the old one I use in my van as the old one was pretty worn out, the one on the left. One of the casters broke off on me on my last trip. I’ve repaired this old chair many times in the past and it has seen it’s day.chairs


You can’t stand up in these old vans so I’ve found a chair on wheels works out real well so one doesn’t have to walk around on one’s knees in the van. And the chair is a comfortable place to sit in the van, even for long periods when I need to get out of the weather.

The drizzle continued, so I worked on taking the old chair apart so it’d be easier to get rid of it.apart


Nap time

With the drizzle not letting up, it seemed like a good idea to take a little nap and then dive into the beef stew I started earlier, so that’s what I did.

Nice day.

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One Response to New Cam Brackets, New Chair and Drizzle, Drizzle

  1. Judith says:

    Duct tape will fix a lot of things, but the old chair really does have to go now. New one looks pretty snazzy. Good idea for a van. Used to take trips staying (camping) in a van. Never thought of that, but there wasn’t much floor space. Ha. Drizzle sounds great to me.

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