Nursing the Sore Back, a Ride, a Walk and Some Game Cam Pictures

Saturday August 26, 2023 Guerneville CA.

The back

First thing I did today was get the ice pack out and use it a couple of times to get started. I was able to just barely get in the upright position with a bit of pain. I thought it was a good idea to take it easy and not do much today.

Ride up into the forest

Later in the day, I hopped on the dirt bike for a ride up into the forest, which is helpful to loosen up the back if I take it easy on the bike. I stopped here to collect the game cam card. bike


Game cam

Not much on that game cam. I moved it over a bit to this spot as the other spot was picking up too many shadows as the sun moved


Break at the overlook

I rode on over to this overlook to take a break for a bit.parked


The view. There seems to be a bit of smoke in the air from a forest fire somewhere.view


Going for a walk

There’s a trail here that takes off towards the back in the grass.trail


Part of it is nice and wide so I took off on it for a walk.trail6


Trail narrows

It goes a ways wide, then narrows down to this, a deer type trail which I hope to improve this winter.trail7


I sat on a log out there for a nice break before heading back to the bike at the overlook.

Headed for home

This is the trail I rode to head on home which is mostly down hill.path


I stopped to collect the other game cam card near the bottom of the hill.

A coon, think, but maybe not? It’s headed down towards where all the houses are. The more I look at it, I’m not sure it is a coon.coon


But I am sure this is a grey squirrel.squirrel


Cam in my yard

Here’s a couple of pictures of some turkey vultures cleaning up a dead chicken in my yard.vulture


A bit of fighting over the dead bird.chicken


Nice day.

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