Plumbing Problems and Puttering Around the Yard Working On Stuff

Saturday November 9, 2019 Guerneville CA.


I fed the chickens then went over to our rental to adjust the valve I worked on the other day so there’d be more hot water. It seems I didn’t quite get it right the other day. That all worked out ok. The lady had a new shower head as the old one seemed a bit plugged so she asked me to install it.

Just a little problem

I took the old shower head off and the screen was really plugged up, but then things went to hell. I tried to install the new shower head which was plastic. I had to tighten it up more to stop the leaks and the darn head broke the shower head pipe threads off as the pipe had worn thin over the years. It looked like there still might be enough threads left on the shower head pipe but now I had to get the  metal pipe threads out of it that broke off in it. I took it home and worked the metal threads out with a small screw driver.

Got er fixed

I took  my pipe goop with me and put some on the threads and it screwed on and sealed so that fixed that although a new pipe would be good. I tried to get the old pipe off but it was really stuck so that’s why I decided to leave the old one on there. I think a big pipe wrench might take it off and maybe not.

Gas run

After that I made a gas run to town to get some gas for the Toyota that ran out yesterday. On the way  home I stopped to talk with John about his rat problem but he wasn’t home so I continued on home.

Prepping the grow pen

I hauled three loads of woodchips to this grow pen I’m prepping for planting. Then I scattered some seed in it and let the chickens work on mixing it up. I’ll feed them in this pen for a few days and then plant some stuff in it for the chickens to eat later.growpen


Pea patch

I was going to take all the grass I took out of the grow pen the other day to the chickens mulch pen area and decided it might be better in this area where I planted some peas about a week ago. The grass will provide a good place for bugs where the chickens will find them and eat them when I finally let them in if the peas grow enough.pile


More wood

While chair hopping and walking around the yard I discovered another wood pile I somehow missed. I’ll get it to the main wood pile soon. It’s always good to to find wood you didn’t know you had.woodpile


Wire chicken run

While chair hopping I went by this wire chicken run that needed the 10 foot sections cut to 5 foot sections so I can bend it and make turns easier. I got the wire cutters out and shortened the two sections. The grass got hit by a frost the other day so is going dormant for the


Some more chair hopping was done just before dark as I enjoyed the day. When it started to cool down I got some wood in and got the fire going and that was it for me today.

Nice easy day, puttering and getting some stuff done.

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