Puttering, Norcold Fridge Fan Mount and Some Weed Mowing

Wednesday June 14, 2017 Guerneville CA.

A day of puttering

I decided to stay home today and do some puttering in the yard.

Mounted the fan on the Norcold fridge

First I made a bracket out of sheet metal to mount the computer fan to the back of my Norcold fridge and wired it up to a switch so I can turn it on and off when I need to. I was able to wire the 12 volt fan into the12 volt supply line to the fridge which was already on a switch so that was easy.

Here’s the little fan mounted on the back of the Norcold fridge.fan


Chain sawed some stuff and cut some vines

I used the chain saw to do some trimming of leaning trees and then used the loppers to cut blackberry vines around the yard which only made a dent in them as they are always growing back. A bit of watering too.

Mowed some of those weeds

I cleaned up my the area where I was doing the mower repair and then when the sun went low in the ski, I mowed these weeds.mower


Fire prevention

That looks better and now I have some fire protection.mowed


Other than that I did some chair hopping around the yard and enjoyed the day a bit.

Nice day.

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