Ray Joins Me for a Paddle and We see Lots of Birds

Wednesday September 6, 2017 Jenner CA.

Looks like a good paddle day

Ray was at the Jenner parking lot when I arrived this morning around 10:30AM. I backed down the boat ramp to put  my boat in the water and then parked the car. I joined Ray on the water just in front of the visitor center and we paddled across the river to Penny Island. I suggested to Ray that we paddle up the river a bit at a leisurely pace. He was agreeable, so we headed up the river along the island which looked like this, a little overcast, but it soon cleared up and the wind stayed down nicely.river1


We paddled by these cormorants of which a couple of them were preparing to take off if need be by expelling their poo to lighten up, but they didn’t fly away as we paddled on by.cororants2


And we paddled by this great blue heron on this old redwood log, with the cormorant. They didn’t fly off either.heron


Here we are about a mile up the river paddling along.ray4


We paddled almost up to the highway one bridge, then crossed over the river where we went by these geese resting in the grasses.geese6


Shore break

We pulled over by Paddy’s rock to go ashore for a break for a bit in this spot.shore7


Lots of birds but no critters

After a break we got back on the water and continued on down along this north shoreline looking for birds and critters.paddysrock9


We didn’t see any critters but we did go by lots of birds starting with these geese.gppse8


These birds were by Paddy’s rock resting on the gravels there.birds10


We went by quite a number of birds resting on the shoreline.birds11


Some mergansers and some geese and it looks like an egret in the background.birds12


I’m following Ray down along the north shoreline, just past Paddy’s rock.ray13


We went by more birds.birds13


This egret was fishing off the log and catching some real small fish about an inch long.egret14


I followed Ray as we headed in to the boat ramp up ahead a bit.jenner15


The wind stayed down below what was predicted so it was a nice day paddling around the estuary.

We pulled our boats out and went on home for the day where I had a nap.

Puttering around

I puttered around the yard the rest of the day not doing much of anything and that was my day.

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2 Responses to Ray Joins Me for a Paddle and We see Lots of Birds

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    Nice yak ride with Ray. Where is his pfd? :)
    Lots and lots of great bird pictures!

    • Bob says:

      California requires you carry a PDF, but not required to wear one. Ray’s a good swimmer living on the river all his life. My thoughts are as long as you need to have one, you might as well wear it.

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