Shopping For Metal and the Fantastic Wild Blackberry Pie

Wednesday August 21, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Darn deer

The deer have been getting into my yard, so I hunted for the spot they were coming in and found this spot where they had broken the fence down just to the right of that big pole by the gate. I patched it up.fence1

Shopping for metal

I needed some  metal for my RV carport project coming up, so I took my van over to this hardware store where they used to stock 1 inch rebar. I took the van to carry the 20 foot long pieces but they no longer carried that size. No one inch rebar.freemans2

So I left there and went over to this place, but they didn’t have anything I could use.batiffs3

So, I went over to the metal place, the expensive place, but they had most anything, but not rebar so I had to pay for hot rolled steel, one inch round, by 20 feet long. I got four of them and a couple more things for 650 bucks.van4

I got it all loaded up and headed for home and a nap.

Blackberry Pie

My neighbor has been picking wild blackberries and baked this great pie. There is just nothing like a wild blackberry pie, right Judith? My neighbor is a baker and makes everything from scratch. Yummy. Pie after dinner.pie5

The cooks, cooking.cooks6

Visiting before dinner.yard7

Dinner was great and the pie was even better, yummy,yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Nice day.

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2 Responses to Shopping For Metal and the Fantastic Wild Blackberry Pie

  1. Judith says:

    OH. oh. Blackberry pie. You are entirely correct. Nothing like it. I am so envious.

  2. Barb says:

    $ 6 5 0 !!! I was not expecting that. Wow.
    That pie looks so good. I miss my blackberry patch at my old house. I never made a pie but did make jelly. That jelly was like opening a jar of summer. Gave it for Christmas gifts.

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