Raining Hard, So a Good Day to Shop

Friday March 24, 2017 Guerneville CA.

Another rain storm going through

The rain was pouring down hard when I woke this morning so I stayed in bed for a bit longer. Around noon the rains let up so I got my van  ready to go shopping in Santa Rosa. Just had to tidy some stuff up in it and off I went.

I’d be testing out the van’s engine after I put the intake manifold on the other day, so I was keeping an eye out for leaks during this trip.

Hardware store first

I needed to get some more rebar for my garden enclosure project and some other stuff. I headed to the hardware store first and got the rebar and some fence wire.

From there I went to Wal-Mart. They didn’t have what I needed so I went to the auto parts store. Now I knew the auto parts store had what I wanted but try as I might I couldn’t find what I needed so I found some help. Seems they just remodeled and moved stuff around. After some hunting around the lady that was helping me finally located the parts I was looking for so I was good.

From there I headed on over to Costco to get some stuff to eat. With my corn allergy problem there’s only a small number of things I can buy there. The problem is they always move stuff around so I had to hunt a lot to find all my stuff, but after a couple times around the store I found all the stuff I needed and a couple other items too, that I hope will be corn free.

I headed home through  the afternoon traffic, being Friday, there was a bit of it.

Unloaded the heavy rebar

Once home I unloaded and put away my food items and then went out to unload the garden enclosure stuff. Getting that heavy rebar off the van’s roof was a job as it was tied into a bundle and fifteen twenty foot rebar pieces weighed a lot. I should of taken it apart, but I was stubborn and got it off the van and onto the ground without wrecking the van or me.

After that I was beat. I tried sitting out in the yard, but with the storm going through the area, it was rather cool out so I retired to the house for the rest of the day.

The van’s engine ran great and I didn’t see any coolant or oil leaks so things are good to go.

And that was my day.

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