Friday May 20, 2016 Guerneville CA.
Off to shop
I went shopping the first thing this morning as I wanted to get some parts to put more faucets in my garden as there never seems to be enough of them when I need one free to wash something to eat or just to wash my hands after digging in the dirt.
When I got back home I just sorta puttered around in the yard, not having too much energy.
Worked on the pressure washer
My brother’s pressure washer was having a problem starting as it would flood and I kept walking by it so eventually I got some tools and took the carburetor apart to clean it out and put it back together.
It started after I fixed it, but there still seems to be something not quite right with it. I’ll think about it for a bit as it mostly works for now.
And some plumbing
Later in the afternoon, I tackled the faucet job. I added two more faucets here to make a total of three, which should be enough after I add another timer. I did two more units like this where I thought I needed them in the yard.
Now I need to add some clamps and a brace to hold the faucets to keep me from breaking them off, another project for later.
Brother’s Raspberry patch
My brother got all his raspberry plants planted the other day and put straw over them to help hold moisture and keep the weeds down. Nothing has sprouted yet.
Cat visit
The cat from next door came by for a short visit, but wondered off chasing butterflies.
And I noticed my loquats are starting to get ripe. This years crop is the best one I’ve had from this tree since I planted it a number of years ago.
The birds like them too so I don’t usually get many of them before they eat them all but with the larger crop this year, I may do pretty well,…………. we’ll see.
Chair hopping
I had intentions of cranking up the chainsaw and cutting up some trees in the yard, but decided that would be a good job to do tomorrow or the next day, so I spent the rest of the day chair hopping in my yard.
Nice day.