Shopping, Riding For My Sore Back and Digging Up Blue Clay

Friday August 25, 2023 Guerneville CA.


I needed to go to the hardware store to get some more parts to work on the plumbing job I was doing on our family rental place so off I went. I had to hunt around in the local hardware store to find what I needed. That took quite awhile as the store is made up of many small little rooms, but persistence pays off and I found what I needed, asking several customers where what I needed might be. One guy was quite helpful.

Then I went to the Safeway store to get some stuff, mostly ice cream. I forgot to get some of the less important stuff.

Sore back therapy

Back home, I rode up into the hills for a ride, mostly to help loosen up my sore back. It is improving, I’m almost able to stand up straight, but not quite. Once I can stand up straight, there will be less pain and I’ll be able to get around much better.

When I got back home, a nap was in order.

Playing in the mud

Around four, two neighbors came by so I could take them up to our place to get some buckets of blue clay. I’m helping each of them tap springs for each of their houses.

Here they are digging up blue clay in a spring area. With my sore back I just sat around and barked out orders on how to dig it up.digging


They are just finishing up and hauling the blue clay up to the truck.boys


After that, the guy with the truck drove off and the guy in orange had his motor bike so I rode up into the hills with him most of the way to his place and then make it back to my place.

Nice day.

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One Response to Shopping, Riding For My Sore Back and Digging Up Blue Clay

  1. Ken Solbakken says:

    After looking at the photo closely, quite possibly a young Mountain lion?

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