Shopping, Visiting and Talking with the Well Guy

Friday February 27, 2015 Guerneville CA.

I decided this would be a good day to do some shopping in Santa Rosa so headed that way when I got it going this morning, about 10:30. On the way, I would pass by the well drillers place, so I stopped in there hoping I would catch the guy in his office and  try to find out when they would  be drilling a water well for my bother and I.

I found him in his pajamas. He’d just got out of the hospital and was recovering and had come to the office from his house which was out back. I was lucky to catch him in.

He’s an old timer about my age from this area so we shoot the bull a lot. I needed to know when he would be drilling our new well, as I’m not able to do any planning until I know what’s going on and am trying to squeak a trip in to Arizona.

He walked up to his planning wall which was full of about fifty cards, pulled mine out of the middle of them all and put it on the driller’s desk and said, putting the card on the driller’s desk, means you’re next. So next Thursday or sometime during the week after, they should be here to start the project. It pays to stop in and shoot the bull sometimes. :O)

From there I headed on over to another  lady friends house and she wasn’t home, but as I was leaving she pulled in, so I turned around and we had a nice talk for a couple hours or so.

Time to get down to some shopping so I headed to Wally’s and bought a new microwave as the one I had was basically corned, which is not good for me since I’m allergic to the stuff. I accidently burned up a bag of pop corn several years ago before I knew I didn’t get along with corn and the corn smell is still evident when cooking things in the oven, so I thought I better replace it, just to be on the safe side.

As it turns out, John the trash picker upper guy in Jenner was saying he needed to buy a new microwave oven, so this one will go to him.

Then I went over to the hardware store that has everything and found some two inch PVC pipe insulation to fix the broken water main pipe that crosses the creek that got washed out awhile ago in a big rain storm.  So now, I can fix the temporary repair when I get time.

Now, I had to cross over to the busier part of town to get a new front axle for my car as the rubber boat has cracked. As I was pulling into the place, I could see a bunch of red flashing lights just up the road and traffic was just starting to back up. I made it to the store just in time and got out of the store and looked at the road and it was mostly stopped up with cars, but not if I went the other way, which I did. Now that I have the new axle, it’s another project to get done, when I make some time.

I had more shopping to do, but since I spent so much time during the day shooting the bull, I mean visiting, it was almost five PM, so I called it a day and the other stuff can wait.

I find as I get older, I’m not liking to shop in these busy places, but it has to be done.

Of course when I got home, I hit the couch for a much needed nap. :O)

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