Some Painting and an Evening Kayak at Jenner

Sunday June 1, 2014 Jenner CA.

Paint first

First off this morning I wanted to put another coat of polyurethane on the boards for my van, so I did that. The board on the left is my table and the one on the right is a cover for my cutting board. One more coat should do it.vanborards


Fixed the mower problem

The other day, I gassed the mower and couldn’t get it started after that. Today, I tried turning the gas cap and it turned. It started right up after that. The mower has a gas cap like on some cars, it has to be tight to run. That was an easy fix. I mowed some more grass until the gas ran out.

Kayak time

Around two PM, I went on down to Jenner to kayak. I met Steve there and we headed up the river with intentions of going all the way up to the Great Blue Heron Rookery.

It was a bit foggy, but the wind was mostly down.

This was our view as we paddled on up the river.upview


I looked up as we passed under the highway one bridge to see all these swallow nests.swallownests


We stopped along the way, but eventually we made it up to Seal Heaven where we saw this view of a harbor seal and some cormorants on logs.sealheaven


And this lazy ol harbor seal was on a log as we passed and wasn’t going to be disturbed by anyone.seal


We made it up to Markham Hole where we sat for a spell and decided not to go on up to the bird rookery as we were feeling lazy.markhamhole


These geese where on the beach across from us.geese


We headed back down the river and checked out Willow Creek.

This is the Willow Creek Bridge. The wind picked up while we were in there.willowcreek


From there we headed down the river taking it easy as usual.

The wind died down as we went.

This was our view as we headed towards Paddy’s rock. The fog is moving in some.downview


Surprised by an eagle

When we got to Eagle’s landing I made the comment to Steve that I hadn’t seen an eagle land here in quite awhile. Steve said, well, look up and there was a bald headed eagle up there in the tree.baldeagle


Penny Island for a walk

From there we went on down to Penny Island and landed for a little walk to eat some little black berries. The fog has moved in as you can see as Steve walks back to our boats.kayaks


We paddled on down to the river’s mouth were it was real foggy, but the water was real calm, flat, no wind.

A great blue heron was sitting on a log in the fog with us.heronfog


Just before sunset, we left the mouth area in the fog.foggy


We arrived back at the boat ramp just before dark and went on home for the day.

A nice paddle in the evening even with the fog.

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