Wednesday December 4, 2024 Guerneville CA.
Chicken feed
I needed some chicken feed so I headed for the shopping centers today to get some. Unfortunately, all the seed they had was rolled barley, no sunflower seeds or any milo seeds, all out. I got three sacks of barley. The chickens are not going to like that.
I also needed to go to the VA to give some blood for lab tests as I have an annual appointment next week. The lady that poked me did a good job and no pain.
The last stop was stuff for me to eat. I bought quite a bit of cheeses from Costco and had most of the other stuff I usually need, so I was out of there pretty fast.
Once home, I unloaded all the stuff and checked my email for any news of the rock slide sliding. No news, is good news.
Rock slide
I decided to take a ride up into the park to have a look at it. All was well and no more rock had fallen, so I headed on up into the hills to take the long way home. I ran into my cousin walking with her two dogs so we shot the bull for a bit.
It got dark on us, so I headed on home from there.
Nice day.