Spring Pruning Fruit Trees Begins and Spring Will Soon Be Here

Thursday January 6, 2022 Guerneville CA.

Yard work day

The chickens got fed the first thing today. Their egg production is starting to increase. From zero to three eggs today and there should be  more each day as the egg laying season is just starting after their end of the year break.chickens


Leaning tree

This apple tree has a bad case of the leans, it actually fell over awhile back so I need to get it upright if I can.leantree


I tried using this old board to push it up but wasn’t very successful. I did get it up a little but will need to use a come a long or something to straighten it up right. But that’s good for now.board


Pruning makes  lot of brush

I left this brush I trimmed off that tree but did get most of it to the brush pile before the end of the day.brush


I looked at this apple tree to prune but I couldn’t find my tall ladder so not today.appletree


Neighbor’s fallen tree

I heard my brother Tom with his chainsaw next door so I went over to see what he was doing. It appears a tree had fallen over and he was cutting it up into firewood.rom


The tree fell on two of his wooden fences. Bummer, but better than the house.treeroots


Pruning the grapevine

I got my shorter ladder out so I could prune this grapevine on the chicken pen as it’s starting to take over, but at least it has real good grapes to eat.grape



Pruning always makes a mess of brush to cleanup.vines


I got the brush out of there.ladder


But only over to here for now. I’ll get the brush onto the brush pile before the day ends about a hundred feet away.cutvines


Nice and green

I’ve kept the chickens out of this pen so the grasses can grow, so today I let them into it just for one day to graze it down a bit.grazing


I spent the day pruning and puttering around the yard with quite a bit of chair hopping thrown in there too. I usually work until my back needs a break which it did often today.

Nice day.

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One Response to Spring Pruning Fruit Trees Begins and Spring Will Soon Be Here

  1. Patsy+Irene says:

    I don’t mind pruning at all, it’s the clean up that I dislike. And worse is if Bill prunes and leaves the clean up to me!!I grumble about that.

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