Pruning, Helping a Neighbor and Dear Ol Canada

Saturday February 19, 2022 Guerneville CA.

Some pruning

I cut back some of the tops of some apple trees this morning first thing as I felt they were too high. I like to keep some of my fruit trees a bit lower to make them easier to get the fruit and to take care of.tree1


I trimmed that apple tree down to here which will also help keep the tree from growing all the new suckers way up there that I have to prune off each year which is a lot of extra work. Nice blue sky today.topped2


Trees blooming

More of  my fruit trees are starting to bloom.blooms3


More woodchips

For some reason I missed it but eventually I noticed that two more loads of woodchips were dumped either this morning or last night. I didn’t hear them when the tree trimmers came in  to dump. I also put some more rain on the ground in places throughout the yard while doing some chair hopping.water4


Helping a neighbor

Then I went over to help a neighbor install a new electrical box. I sat and talked him through the process. We removed this old one which was failing.box5


Eventually we got the new box installed and now need to get all the wires hooked back up which I will come back to help him with.electricalboxes6


More pruning

Back home for a break, then I moved a ladder over to some more apple trees as I want to lower them some more like the other one I did this morning. I got started on this one but was too tired out to finish this one and the two more behind it.trees7


And of course I  had to let the chickens out to graze in this garden area late in the day.grazing8


Looking out my driveway I see most of the daffodils are blooming now. They bloom for a long


I sat around the yard and chair hopped until dark when I went in for the day.

Nice day.

Not political and Dear Ol Canada

Not to be political, but since watching what’s going on up in Canada from the start of it, all I can say about the Canadian government is SHAME, SHAME for treating your people like they are being treated. There’s nothing political about saying that, it’s about human rights.

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4 Responses to Pruning, Helping a Neighbor and Dear Ol Canada

  1. Richard Dailey says:

    Bob I have never in my live replied to a blog. I enjoy or blog and look forward to reading. Like you I am person of a certain age..

    Please read this article with a open mind. I think you are getting your news from someone who is using a grain of truth and then turning it into political commentary.
    I have coped and pasted this so it may be a bit disjointed.

    There is a lot more to this story but to deep to get into.

    Over 90% of Canadians are double vaccinated.

    When you come right down to it, there is not much difference between storming a capital and strangling one.

    The “truckers” who have been laying siege to Ottawa were no more “protesters” than the mob that sacked the U.S. Capitol last year were “tourists” or “patriots.” Yet all through the coverage of this deliberate assault on democracy, television reporters and hosts kept referring to the “Freedom Convoy” as the “protesters.”

    A major mischaracterization. Why? Because it helped legitimize them. The right to protest, after all, is a vital part of democracy. Everybody believes that citizens have the right to speak up lawfully against public policies they don’t support. There are a lot of places where doing that will land you in jail or worse. Thankfully, Canada is not one of them.

    But that is not what the occupiers in Ottawa were doing. You don’t have to look very far to confirm that. One of their stated goals was to topple the government. Another was to secure the resignation of Justin Trudeau, implying he was a Nazi.
    Which is to say, that they did not come with a critique and a point of view, as legitimate protesters do. They came with ugly biases, lies and an ultimatum. Get rid of all the mandated restrictions related to the pandemic, and get rid of this federal government and this PM or else. Last time I looked, parliament and elected MPs make the laws, not mobs holding their fellow citizens hostage to their cause.

    The “truckers” who have been laying siege to Ottawa were no more “protesters” than the mob that sacked the U.S. Capitol last year were “tourists” or “patriots.” Yet all through the coverage of this deliberate assault on democracy, television reporters and hosts kept referring to the “Freedom Convoy” as the “protesters.”

    A major mischaracterization. Why? Because it helped legitimize them. The right to protest, after all, is a vital part of democracy. Everybody believes that citizens have the right to speak up lawfully against public policies they don’t support. There are a lot of places where doing that will land you in jail or worse. Thankfully, Canada is not one of them.

    But that is not what the occupiers in Ottawa were doing. You don’t have to look very far to confirm that. One of their stated goals was to topple the government. Another was to secure the resignation of Justin Trudeau, implying he was a Nazi.

    And just exactly what did they mean with their threat, or else?

    Or else they would not leave.

    Or else they would shut down the national capital, paralyzing a city of 1.18 million people.

    Or else they would “slow-roll” their trucks around Ottawa airport to further disrupt things.

    Or else their supporters would shut down the Ambassador Bridge, costing the economy $3 billion before it was done.

    Or else others would clog border crossings in places like Coutts, Alberta, where four “protesters” are now facing conspiracy to murder charges.

    That doesn’t make them protesters. These self-styled freedom-lovers were authoritarian thugs wrapped in the Canadian flag.

    Who urinates on the grave of the unknown soldier to make their point?

    Who expresses their love of freedom by depriving thousands of their fellow citizens of their right to get to work, or even a good night’s sleep, for weeks on end?

    Who drags their kids into a situation made inherently dangerous by the actions of the parents?

    Who makes their argument by displaying hate symbols and shouting down journalists trying to do their jobs?

    Who has their say by jamming the local 911 system, a tactic that could easily have cost lives?Which is to say, that they did not come with a critique and a point of view, as legitimate protesters do. They came with ugly biases, lies and an ultimatum. Get rid of all the mandated restrictions related to the pandemic, and get rid of this federal government and this PM or else. Last time I looked, parliament and elected MPs make the laws, not mobs holding their fellow citizens hostage to their cause.

    And just exactly what did they mean with their threat, or else?

    Or else they would not leave.

    Or else they would shut down the national capital, paralyzing a city of 1.18 million people.

    Or else they would “slow-roll” their trucks around Ottawa airport to further disrupt things.

    Or else their supporters would shut down the Ambassador Bridge, costing the economy $3 billion before it was done.

    Or else others would clog border crossings in places like Coutts, Alberta, where four “protesters” are now facing conspiracy to murder charges.

    That doesn’t make them protesters. These self-styled freedom-lovers were authoritarian thugs wrapped in the Canadian flag.

    Who urinates on the grave of the unknown soldier to make their point?

    Who expresses their love of freedom by depriving thousands of their fellow citizens of their right to get to work, or even a good night’s sleep, for weeks on end?

    Who drags their kids into a situation made inherently dangerous by the actions of the parents?

    Who makes their argument by displaying hate symbols and shouting down journalists trying to do their jobs?

    Who has their say by jamming the local 911 system, a tactic that could easily have cost lives?

    • Bob says:

      Hey Richard, If I watched the big news guys I might agree with you, but I learned not to watch them as they were saying stuff that was not factual. I watched the YouTuber’s that were on the ground with their video cams that were not part of the truckers. I never saw any confederate flags or swastikas at all. Purely made up by your government from
      what I could see. All I saw where peaceful protesters and most of them were not truckers but individual Canadian people, thousands of them. I watched from the start so I did not miss anything, and watched many different guys taking videos and reporting what was going on.
      Did you?
      I’m too old to argue politics. I will only discuss them but not argue about them. I let your comment through as I believe in free speech, whether I agree or not. That seems to be more then the Canadian government will do. After watching I’m ashamed of what the government has done to it’s people and feel you should be too, but what the hay. You have a right to your opinion. Enough said. I hope it all works out for Canadians.

      • Richard Dailey says:

        Hi Bob Yes I watch the big guys news CBC and Global news.

        You say that their news is not factual? No different then you Tubers editing their content to show a point of view.

        This is a political movement financed from the USA at the start and very well organized.

        Well enough of this, we will not agree, enjoy your trip to Arizona.


  2. Nancy K says:

    I totally agree with you on Canada. Not that our government is much better at the present, but SHAME on them is right!!
    That electrical box … that’s scary!!!

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