Springs, Rocks, Mosquito Fish, Hooks, and Bumper Sanding

Sunday April 21, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Spring work

I needed to visit my cousin up in the hills. On the way, I stopped at this spring to redo it as it wasn’t catching most of the water.chokerspring

I just had to remove a few rocks and repair the small dam and put the rocks back in and it was down in less than an hour.water6

Rocks for fish

Then I went to the rock slide area and got some rocks for fish cover at the pond.pond

I put the flat rocks in the water at the edge of the pond for the fish to have a place to hide and be safe.rocks


Then I went up to my cousin’s place at the top of the ridge to discuss some work I’m going to do for them on their driveway and we shot the bull for a good while and another neighbor came by so I discussed some work I’m going to do for them.


My cousin caught some fish in her little pond by the house and put them in containers for me. These are known as mosquito fish because they love to eat mosquito larva. They don’t get very big, about two inches or so, but they eat lots of larva and can live in most any type of water.fish

My pond was full of mosquito larva last year, thousands of the little guys, so that’s why I’m putting the little fish in there. I put some in the pond and then went over to this little water puddle where a spring crosses a road and I put a few in here. Like I said, they can live most anywhere as long as there’s water.fishhole

Another spring

After that, I checked out this spring that I intend on tapping soon.stump

Spring  tapping videos

This spring  is in a good spot to tap coming out of the side of the hill where the tap will go, so it will be an easy place to put a spring tap. There’s an old redwood stump in front of it, so I think I’ll call this spring Stump Spring. I’ll likely make a YouTube video of me tapping it as spring tapping videos are my hottest videos on YouTube which teaches people all over the world how to tap a spring cheap and easy and easy to keep sanitary. One of the spring tapping videos has over 108,000 views.  Of all the spring tapping videos on YouTube, I’m the only guy that taps them this way. Most of the other methods are not easy to do and are costly and hard to keep the water sanitary.spring

Headed for home

It was getting late in the day, so I  headed on home for a nap and something to eat.


Then I went outside and got to work welding some chain hooks on Skiddy’s bucket to hook chains to, to left things up when needed.hooks

I got all my gear out and welded the hooks on the bucket.weldedhooks

After welding, I put some black paint on the hooks and that was done.hook

Bumper sanding

I had enough time before dark to finish up the sanding on it and now it’s ready for the primer coat, but it was too late today for that.sanding

Nice day.

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