Stepping Rock and Some Trail Work

Monday January 15, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Blog transfer report

If you are seeing this, you are seeing the transferred blog. I think  most of the stuff is working, but not quite everything yet. The header pics seems to have some blanks in it which I will try to work out once everything else is in shape.  A refresh or two might bring one up. And  some pictures of later posts aren’t showing up, but most of the blog has been recovered.

Trail work

I’ve got a lot of trail work to do this winter so this seemed like a good day to do some work and get some exercise.

I rode a motor bike up this trail.trail1

I stopped at this creek crossing and thought these rocks could use a big rock for a stepping stone to cross the creek when walking.creek2

Big rock

I found a big rock up the creek about 50 feet. I had to roll it to this spot and I added a couple of smaller rocks too.rocks3

I continued up the trail heading for a trail I’m working on up on the ridge top. Everything is real lust right now with the rains we’ve been having.trail4

Break time

There’s a chair on the ridgetop at the beginning of the trail I was going to do some work on.

Seemed like a good idea to sit in it for a spell and take a break.dky5

Trail work

Eventually I walked out the trail and started by removing this small little slide on the trail.slide6

I walked out the trail a bit further and worked on widening out this part of the trail, below.

I worked all day, sitting in my chair and working until it started to get too dark. I noticed the stump I saw earlier in the day was starting to look like a bear, but I knew it wasn’t.bear7

I put the tools and chair away on the trail and walked out to where my bike was parked.

Enjoying the evening

There I sat and enjoyed the evening until it started to get too dark. I had to ride home in the semi dark so I just rode slower.view8

The view just as I took off for home.evening9

Nice day.

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3 Responses to Stepping Rock and Some Trail Work

  1. Judith says:

    No header photo at all….but everything else on the page seems present and accounted for. Including what looks like a narrow trail to me……ah well, less sure footed in my old age. Congratulations to you for your capacity.

  2. Deb says:

    The blog post came through just fine. It is very lush there and it is truly beautiful!

  3. Arrowhead Gramma says:

    Bob, your blog post came through fine this morning with all your great photos. Your header photo for several days was a photo of you, this morning it is one of the water critters. Just an FYI. Enjoy your posts each day!

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