Taking It Easy and Some Game Cam Pictures

Monday August 28, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Taking it easy

I’m still taking it easy. My sore back is improving and I’m getting around better, but it’s still a bit sore.

Ride in the forest

I went for a ride up into the forest, mostly to collect the game cam cards to see what’s on them.

I stopped in a couple of places to trim back the brush a bit and there’s always some rocks to throw off the road too.road


Game cam pictures

Here I am stopped at the upper game cam to collect the card.me


A crow gets a drink of water.bird


A fox goes by headed on down towards the houses. At least I think It’s a fox. I wish the cam took better night time pictures.fox3


A little owl gets a drink.owl


The lower game cam saw this dog go by. I think it was a cousin’s while they were going for a walk nearby.dog4


A fox heads back up into the hillsfox2


And this jack rabbit hops on by headed on home. Good thing the fox didn’t see it.rabbit


Other than that, I spent most of the day chair hopping around the yard and doing a bit of napping.

Nice day.

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2 Responses to Taking It Easy and Some Game Cam Pictures

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    Interesting camera shots of the critters. Love the owl!

  2. Nancy K says:

    I seem to have the same sore back affliction.
    Check the settings on the camera and see if there is a higher resolution setting or a faster shutter setting. LOVE the little owl!!! I’ll send along the settings on mine when I find where I packed it.

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