Tom and I Pick Up the New Rig and I Test Drive It

Wednesday February 7, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Tom brought his trailer over today. We needed to air up the tires and do a couple things to it to get it ready to go.trailer1

We checked out all the lights and got them going.fixit3

And then we headed on over to Santa Rosa. We were almost there when we saw real dark black clouds over Santa Rosa, and it rained and hailed.

We were here to pick up my new rig that was ready to go, the green one, not that hot rod one. :O)rig4

The rain let up some as we pulled into this parking lot and loaded up my new work horse.loadedup5

Back home, we unloaded the new Honda.unloading6

I rode it back to  my house and loaded up my chainsaw to go for a ride and cut a few trees off the roads.

I didn’t get far when I ran into this one, but I couldn’t get the chainsaw started so I turned around and went another way thinking, I’d likely get that on the way back if I got the chainsaw going later.tree7

I was trying the machine out going up hills and down hills to see how it performed and stopped here at the ridgetop. It was doing very well on the hills, both going up them and down them.ridgetop8

I was riding along here when I ran into my cousin and her two dogs. She asked if I’d cut that tree out of the way so we did.causin9

She took this picture of me with my new toy. I think it’s going to be a real work horserig10

I remembered this tree from yesterday that got in my way, so drove down to it and cut it out of the way as I’d gotten the chainsaw going earlier.reww11

All cleared off the road.cleared12

On the way home, I cut up the tree I first saw that the chainsaw wouldn’t start on..

I think my new rig will work out well.

Nice day.

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4 Responses to Tom and I Pick Up the New Rig and I Test Drive It

  1. Ken Solbakken says:

    Good-looking workhorse! Next I get over your way, maybe you can take me on a test ride up the hill? Well spend money, Mike is smiling down on you.

  2. Ed says:

    What’s that saying?
    The only difference between men and boys is the cost of their toys.

  3. Deb says:

    Nice, useful and fun.

  4. William Henderson says:


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