Tractor Repairs, My Trailer Project, and Some Weed Mowing

Tuesday May 7, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Tractor repairs

I was just getting ready to start a welding project when Tom came by with his tractor to do a repair on his thee point hitch. I set him up to cut and drill the pieces he needed.tom

He welded the pieces on to his hitch and was good to go.welding

My project

I had this idea on a way to make my new trailer more useful for hauling long materials. It was an easy thing to make so I thought I’d put it together today.

I cut the pieces out and tacked  them together on the trailer where it would go.bar4

Then I took it off and welded it all up.welding3


Then I put a couple coats of paint on it and let it dry.paint5

After the paint dried, I installed the new part.bar7

A better idea

After looking at it, I decided there was a better way to do this. That was to  make the bar higher than the rails on the trailer so a fork lift could load it. I can modify the one I built rather easily and then I’ll have to make another one the same height so a fork lift could load and unload stuff on the trailer, such as building materials. That will be another day.

Mowing weeds

While I was waiting for the paint to dry each time I put a coat of paint on it, I used the mower to mow some weeds and got a good start on that, but didn’t finish. Mowing is hard on my back so doing a little at a time is the best way to get the weeds mowed.

Nice day.

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