With the Wind and the Cold, It seemed Like a Good Day to Stay Home and Putter Around the Yard and the House

Tuesday December 29, 2014 Guerneville CA.

When I opened my eyes this morning I could see through my skylight the big redwood tree blowing in a gusty wind, which made me think I should stay in bed a bit longer today, which I did.

I checked the weather when I got up and things looked like the day was going to be windy and cold and not a particularly good day to head for the river.

I decided to stay home for the day and just putter around.

First thing I did was go over and see how my brother Barry was doing with some more repairs on the family bridge. I helped him with a few things then excused myself before he started working on the heavy stuff as the last time I helped with the bridge, it took almost a year to get my back, back in shape and I didn’t want that to happen again.

Of course the wind was howling while I was over there, so when I returned to the house, there were broken redwood tree branches all over my driveway. I picked up a bunch of them before I went in to get warm. I decided to light up my wood stove and conserve a bit of fuel in my fuel stove.

I got that going and was nice and  cozy. Every once in awhile I would go out in the yard and do a few things. I needed a repair on my kayak, so I cut a small piece o stainless steel screen and epoxied that to the back bottom of my boat where it’s been wearing when I turn it on the boat ramp to load it on my car. For the epoxy, I used a product that comes in a roll. It’s like a putty. Cut what you need off and work it in your hands until mixed and apply it. It sets in about ten minutes and seems to work well. It’s one of those products one should have in their repair kit, as it can mend many things.

This is the repair. It has a stainless steel wire screen embedded in it to help stop the wear.kayakrepair

The repair looked good and came out well. That done, it was back in the house to warm up again.

It was about forty degrees outside today and with the gusty wind it felt a bit colder than that.

Most of the rest of the day, I stayed in the house and mostly vegetated with a good deal of napping involved. I think I needed some reset time after chasing around those BBQ brush wires.

It seems the wind and the cold is going to continue for a couple more days, so tomorrow I will try to launch my boat at the muddy Monte Rio boat ramp which I hope is hardened up a bit or maybe someone has cleaned it out, which is usually the local fire chief guy, Steve.

I may put the boat in even if it is muddy. I don’t mind the mud so much except for all the mud that gets inside the boat from muddy feet, which tends to get all over things, as in me.

Just before dark, I loaded my boat and stuff back on the car and that was about it for the day. Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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