Yakking the Winchuck River

Yesterday, I went south a bit to the Winchuck River, just below Brookings Ore. Put in at the mouth and paddled up river. I passed a fisherman and his wife just above the one o one bridge. They were tight lipped, so I paddled on up the river. Couldn’t go very far before I hit some faster water, so I turned around and started the flout back down the river. When I got to the fisherman and his wife, he had a fish on. He was using very light tackle and rod and had lost most of  his line earlier in the day, so he didn’t have much left to work the fish. So, I asked it it was ok to take pics and he said it was. Now, this just happened to be a big fish, which took about forty five minutes to land. He thought he would lose it many times, but didn’t. In the process, I found that he went to the same high school as me and he was from Sebastopol, and in fact was in my high school class, but we had a huge class of three hundred and fifty, so I didn’t recall him or him me.

Anyway, he finally landed that thing, it was a big female, about forty pounds.


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