Monday May 27, 2024 Guerneville CA.
Moving bridges
I’d built these three bridges or walkways a while back for the creeks up on the Talking Trees Trail up in the forest to get across the creeks when it’s raining and you are hiking and don’t want to get your feet wet.
It was time to get them installed on the trail. Gerald, Barry’s nephew was going to help me get them up onto the trail. We loaded them on my trailer for the first part of their trip and took them up to where the trail started.
These things are made of steel and fairly heavy so it was a good thing I had a young guy to help me move them. We unloaded them here where the trail starts. The trail is too narrow for Hondo and the trailer.
We drove back to my house and got a quad runner to drag them up the trail, one at a time.
Using a chain, we hooked one on the quad runner and pulled it up to the spot where it was going to do it’s job.
We installed it where the trail crosses this little creek that runs in the winter when it rains.
We went back and got the second one and installed it here.
Dragging them with the quad runner made the job easy. We pulled the last one to this crossing.
Once that one was placed we were done with that job.
Bike ride
So, it was time to play so we got the dirt bikes out and went for a ride in the forest.
Here we’ve stopped at a spring for a drink of water.
We rode around quite a bit before heading to our break area at the top.
Another nice view from that spot, as always.
After a good break we rode around some more until we were all tired out from all the fun.
Nice day.