A Game Warden Convinces Us to Stay For Another Day

Saturday June 17, 2023 Modoc National Forest CA.

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Plans change

Marty and I were sitting in our chairs getting ready to head south for the day when we saw a game warden go by on the road near our camp. A little while later he came back and pulled up to our camp and got out to talk.

He was one of the nicer wardens I’ve met. We shot the bull for a good bit and he told us there were fish in the stream just down the road from us, just across the meadow in front of us.

He wrote his cell phone number on his card and said to give him a call if we had any trouble in this area and took off.

Let’s go

Marty and I talked it over and we headed the short distance across the meadow to the creek.

Marty was eager to get to fishing.fishing1


We could see fish in the stream and Marty got some hits but didn’t land any fish.fishing2


We decided to stay here at this spot for the day and leave tomorrow as it was a nice spot.walk3


After a break, Marty tried fishing again with no luck.fishing4


This would be our camp spot for the night, just across the meadow from where we were last night.camp5



Marty tried to dig up some worms to fish with, but he couldn’t find any worms.digging6



I left Marty fishing and started on a walk down the stream along the right sidewalk7



I spotted this little fish in the water of the creek, about five inches long.fish8


I continued on down along the creek through here.creek9


And eventually wound up on the road that goes along the creek.raod10


Dead end

Eventually, after a mile or so I ran into the end of the road where it was blocked with these rocks. I turned around and started back up the creek.end11



When I got back, Marty was still fishing. He changed his rigging and finally landed this one.

He was excited now and tried some more with no luck, so gave it up for a bit to rest up.fish12


Camp dump

I went for another short walk across the creek from our camp and ran into this old camp dump of mostly cans and some beer bottles. Nothing real old.cans13


Marty was still at it when I got back to camp and finally caught one more fish, so now he had two for dinner.Marty14


Outa gas

I was sitting in my van when Marty came over to tell me he ran out of propane for his cook stove. He had another tank on his cold chest so was able to use that for now to get his fish cooked.

Plans change

So now we need to leave the forest to go get some propane, so we’re making new plans to get us to what we think is the closest place that hopefully sells propane, about 17 miles from here on some back roads to a place called Likely on Highway 395. We’ll try to work this little detour into our trip plans.

Nice day.

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