A Wet Bike Ride and Some Chores Got Done

Wednesday February 21, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Rainy day

I checked the weather guys and they said the rains would stop around noon and it would be cloudy. Wrong.

Barry showed up for a forest ride so Tom joined us and we rode on up to take a look at the waterfall. It started to rain again as we took off, so we were going to get a bit wet before the day was over as we only had rain jackets on and no rain pants.


We arrived at the waterfall and parked the bikes.forest1

We walked up the trail the short distance to the falls.falls2

Our little falls was flowing pretty good and it was still raining lightly.falls4

The pool at the bottom was looking nice.pools3

Tom decided it was too wet and slippery for him so he left us and headed for home.

Barry and I rode around for a bit getting wetter and then headed up to the Top of the World when the rain quit mostly for the rest of the day.hills5

The sun even poked through the clouds.dky6

The view south was nice too.view7

Well, we were a bit wet now, so we made our way back to my place.

Dead battery

I  had some stuff to do, like put the charger on the bike battery. I forgot to tell you that when I went to start this bike to take off today, I’d left the key on so the battery was dead. I took my other bike. It’s good to have a back up sometimes.charger8

Husky work

While the battery was charging up, I had another look at the saw Barry gave me. He’d said it had a compression release which I found and that helped a lot to make the pull rope much easier to pull, but it still would not start, even with the starting fluid. It just wasn’t sucking the gas into the engine for some reason. Not even a pop out of it. I checked the plug for spark again and it had good spark. I tried a little starting fluid in the spark plug hole and finally got a pop. Some more pulls and I got it to start on the saw gas and it ran real good.husky9

I checked the bike to see if the battery was charged up enough to start it and it was, so I rode it up to the ridge top to charge up the battery more.

A nice view from the Guerneville overlook. No rain now.guerneville10

I went back to this tree we saw earlier to check it out and get some pics.  A fir tree had fallen recently, like maybe yesterday completely blocking the road.tree11

I’m going to have to be real careful cutting this one off the rode as it looks fairly dangerous to remove.tree12

There was also a nice pile of rocks I can use for erosion control.rocks13

I rode on back to my place and split this wood I bought down yesterday and got it stacked up


I spent the rest of the day chair hopping around the yard with the chickens.chickens15

Nice day.

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