Battling Phone Issues and Riding Around the Forest

Thursday August 3, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Phone guy

I had an appointment with the phone repair guys today, but before they showed up, my internet provider called and said they checked the phone line and it was good. I’ve had an intermittent problem for over a year and I knew it wasn’t good, at least some times, so I set up another appointment with the provider guys. That was for my home phone line.

That messed up my day, so I didn’t feel like doing any projects.

Bait station

I checked the bait station to see how the bait was doing. The rats were packing off the little half inch balls, so I’d broken up the balls the other day so they wouldn’t just pack it off and that was working. A speedy rat or two was seen in the bait last night but they or it were so fast I didn’t get any pictures.bait


Cell phone

My other phone, the cell phone that doesn’t work good at my house as the signal is so weak, doesn’t do wi-fi calling for some reason was the next thing I worked on. To use it, I ride up to the hill tops where the signal is good.

Full of water

I stopped on the way to check the tank water gauge and it is working just fine after I repaired it the other day. The tanks are mostly full so I’ll do some more watering in the yard.guage


Game cams

I stopped at this cam to get the card out of it, but nothing was on it. I may have not turned it on or


I also checked my other cam at the other spring and found this squirrel on it, but nothing else.critter


I stopped here to see if I could get a good cell signal but it was weak at this spot so I moved on to a higher point to give it a try.view2


From this higher point I could see the cell tower out there so I knew I had a good enough signal to do some calling.tower


Not any  help

I called my cell phone provider and tried to get some info on how to set up the wi-fi calling on it. That was a pain in the butt and I didn’t get a good answer with them after about four calls to them that I mostly got dropped from.

No one home

I figured my cousin’s husband would know about how to set this up as he has set up similar things up here as they don’t have good access to cell phone signals at their house.

When I arrived at there place, I knew they weren’t home as their dogs didn’t come out to greet me, so no luck there.

At least she was home

So, I went back to where I got the good cell signal and called a friend and chatted with her for a bit.

This is the Guerneville overlook where I can get a good cell signal.view


After that, I headed towards home, stopping here to trim some branches off the road.road


Then I rode on home taking this road.roads


At least it was a good ride around up in the forest.

Nice day.

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3 Responses to Battling Phone Issues and Riding Around the Forest

  1. Judith says:

    When I tell people I lived in a house that didn’t have a land line (the only kind in the ’70’s) for 10 years, they look at me like I must have been insane. Now seems weird even to me. At the time I got by fine, even had a full time job. It was only a half mile to a pay phone.

  2. Barb says:

    I was thinking “Green Acres”.
    At least you don’t have to climb a pole to make a call.
    Anybody on your hill have to see those towers in their view all the time?

  3. Dominique says:

    The round eared creature could have been a squirrel. Didn’t think of it until now.

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