Day 6 of the Mojave Road Trail Adventure

Saturday March 7, 2020 Mojave Road Trail, California

4 wheeling

We got off to a little earlier start, around ten I think as we wanted to make a little more miles today.

We got on the road and went a few miles in this creek bed hoping no traffic was coming the other way. We finally did meet up with a guy that was able to climb his rig off the road to let us pass. Fortunately he was in a good spot to get off the road as a lot of the places you couldn’t get off the road  and it would be a  long back up to find some place to pass.road1


Marty says NO

We were following this road when it looked like it just dropped off and it did when we got out to have a look at it.stop2


The hill was full of moguls and very steep,  a lot steeper than it looks in this photo. I asked Marty if he wanted to go down it and I got a flat NO.mugals3


We were able to back up and get turned around and take a different route.

Old cabin

We stopped at this stone cabin to check it out. No one was living in it but it looked nice and cozy.stonecabin4


Down the road from the cabin we stopped at this spring for a bit to check it out.windmill5


Government Hole

And we stopped at this spring called Government Hole.water6


Bumpity bump

From there we got onto this main type road. It was wider but had a lot of bad wash board on it so the going was rough and slow.road7



That road put us onto a road that crossed some railroad tracks where this monument was placed.sign8


We continued on going down this road.road9


Very bumpity

You can see the road we came from in the background. I’m waiting for Marty to catch up here. The road has gotten very bumpy with lots of moguls on most of it.van9


We were stopped at a spot where I spied these caterpillars on a bush.pillors10


Lots of rigs

I was parked in the middle of the road and all of a sudden rigs came from all directions. I quickly moved my van so they could pass. We stayed parked until they all passed on by.busy11


Visitors book

Pattie signed the visitors guest book located in this box which I think was the halfway point.patti12


Rains coming oh oh

We talked with some folks that we’d seen on and off on this trip going the same way as us. They said some rain was coming in in a couple days and warned this was a bad place to be when it rains in the desert and advised we pull out to Baker on an upcoming paved road. That gave us something to think about which we did.

Looking for tonight’s camp spot

We continued down the main trail looking hard for a place to call camp.road13



We found a tiny spur off the main road and pulled into it and made our camp here. No cactus stickers here like there was last night.camp13


We watched as the sunset unfolded.sunset14


There’s a good chance we’ll pull out to Baker tomorrow. We only have a couple more miles to go to get out on a paved road to Baker so we’ll see how we feel about things tomorrow and decide.

Nice day cruising through the desert.

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2 Responses to Day 6 of the Mojave Road Trail Adventure

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    I don’t blame Marty for saying NO! Yikes!
    I have chosen a few of your pics as favs.
    The stone cabin is awesome. The windmill in the centre of the tree with your vans.
    The picture of both vans in amongst the greenery and the staghorn/cholla cacti.
    The sunset photo is gorgeous!
    Now get out before you get caught in the rain!

  2. DAVID EVANS..upriver... says:

    Wow!…I am envious, this is a trip I would have liked to taken….Not in my Winnebago of course…..Thanks for taking us along for sure!…Nice pictures, have you sent any to your chickens?….

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