Doing Projects and I Beat the Rain

Saturday March 4, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Rain showers today

It was raining today so I didn’t get outside until afternoon when the rain turned to showers and then quit for a few hours.

Lawn mower repair

I went outside and worked on this lawn mower a neighbor gave to my brother. It’s in real good shape except for the recoil starter rope spring is broken and needs to be replaced and the air cleaner is filthy and also needs to be replaced. My brother got these two things online and I offered to replace them for  him.

I did the recoil starter first which wasn’t too hard as he got the complete assembly.mower1


This was the filthy air cleaner. I’d say it was never replaced before as it’s mostly clogged up.airfilter


Rodent bait stations

After that, I made these two wire rodent bait stations for my brother. The more rodent stations around the better. I found these kinds of rodent stations are better then the boxes they sell for the bait as my rats won’t go into anything that looks like a trap. My stations are open and not boxed in so they seem to go into them more readily. We’ll make lids for the wire by cutting those two big pots down to keep  rain off the bait.wire


The sun went behind the hills to my west around five as more clouds started to move in.sundown



I’d been moving woodchips into my blueberry patch throughout the day, a little at a time.

I figured I could get all the mulch into the patch before dark if the next rain shower didn’t hit so I went to it.  The woodchip pile is getting smaller.pile


I had about three more loads to do when some rain drops started to fall, but they were light so I kept at it hoping a big shower didn’t develop before I could get the job done.clouds


Just before dark, I got all the new mulch into the blueberry patch, just in time.mulch



Just as I finished up with that the sky broke loose as I headed for the house.

Nice day.

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One Response to Doing Projects and I Beat the Rain

  1. Nancy K says:

    Can you show us an up close picture of your finished bait station? I have the boxes and and they rarely get eaten. I’d like to try your invention and see if it works here. Thanks!!

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