Quad Runner Bath, Woodchips and Fertilizer

Friday March 3, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Quad Cleaning

The old quad runner was  pretty dirty, so I got the soap and water out to give it a clean up.quad1


That looks much better, eh.quad2


The main cause of the problem

After working on getting the quad runner running again, this is what I found was the problem why it didn’t run for all these years.

The main fuse  holder had melted. The fuse was still good but heat from lose connectors burned the holder up and the bottom of the plastic fuse that was in there. This is a new fuse that I installed. The black plastic fuse holder is burned up and mostly gone.mainfuse4



After a good break, I got the fertilizer out to do the strawberries I planted the other day.fertilizer4


I fertilized all the planters and then put dry fertilizer on all the blueberry bushes. Because I use woodchips for mulch it needs nitrogen added as the woodchips use most of it up decaying, so I’m told.pen5


Woodchips for mulch

Tom just happened by as I was starting to load woodchips and said he’d make the pile better for me..tractor6


He made the pile and took off for his place where he had some work to do with his tractor.woodchips7


I got the wheelbarrow out and loaded up woodchips to put in the blueberry patch.chips8


I haul a load and then sit in the chair to rest up before loading and hauling the next load. With the sun out the bees are in the plum blossoms doing their thing.chips9


Blueberry patch

I hauled about six loads of mulch for a good start on it.mulch10


Fertilizing most of my fruit trees

Just before dark, I got the fertilizer out and fertilized all my fruit trees. I did this today so the rain we are getting tomorrow will wash it into the ground.

Nice day.

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One Response to Quad Runner Bath, Woodchips and Fertilizer

  1. Judith says:

    Good grief, the quad looks brand new. Not only will it look spiffy, with tires I thought would never inflate, but I suspect you will get it going. And besides that, a brother shows up. Boy, do you have good brothers. And pretty plum blossoms.

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