Dozer Work, Redwood Burl and Watch Out Bogyman

Sunday January 3, 2021 Guerneville CA.

Forest work day

We have some more rain coming in on and off this next week so I wanted to get an erosion problem I missed under control so I rode my quad runner over to where the dozer was parked and started it up.dozer


Joy ride

I had a nice joy ride up through here.roadup


Fixing the problem

And I went along here to get to the place to fix the problem but I was too busy fixing the problem and didn’t get any pictures of that. It was a small thing and didn’t’ take very long to fix it up. Let it rain now.road01


Big redwood burl

I did stop and push that big redwood burl out so we can take a better look at it. I’m not sure it is any good as there is some rot on this side, but we’ll have to have a better look at it eventually.burl


Changed my mind

I decided to park the dozer here and walk on back to where my quad runner was. I parked then thought about it and decided to take it on back to where it was in case my brother Tom needed it for something.road2


Watch out Bogyman

So I headed on down this road while it was starting to get dark. Being in the dozer and all I didn’t have much worry about the Bogyman tonight. :O)road3


I made it back to the quad with time to spare and rode on home.

The chickens were already in the roost so I shut them in for the night.

Nice day puttering around in the forest.

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