Garden Enclosure Gets Another Gate

Saturday March 25, 2017 Guerneville CA.

Enclosure work continued

Today was another day working on the garden enclosure.

Once I got it going I set out to make another  gate in one of the enclosure ends, so I had to bring the end piece back to the welding area. I unfastened the temporary wires I had it tied up with and drug the end piece over to the work area.

Making the gate

I measured and cut some more rebar to make the gate which is almost complete here.gate


Once that was done I drug the end piece back over to the garden and set the end piece back up again and wired it together.drag


This is the end piece with the new gate installed on the far end.side


Next I put some chicken wire in a couple of the panels I made. I fastened chicken wire to one side panel and one top roof panel.wire


Stiffening things up

Once I put a roof panel in place the whole structure started to tighten up as the roof panel started to stiffen the whole thing up.

All the welding earlier in the day had taken it’s toll on my back but I kept at it until almost dark and got the panels I had put chicken wire on up and it looked like this. enclosure


Back says quit

I still had some more day light but my back said to quite or else, so I quit working on that for the day and then just sat around enjoying the yard studying what I still need to do to finish the enclosure. I still have quite a bit of chicken wire to put up yet and some more panels to weld up. I’d say I’m about sixty percent complete, maybe a little more.

Weeds grow fast

I did notice the grasses are growing fast now so it won’t be long until I will need to mow some of them down for fire protection.weeds


That was my day working on the garden enclosure.

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2 Responses to Garden Enclosure Gets Another Gate

  1. Bob Noble says:

    Hi Patsy,
    You’re right about the back speaking a great story, a whole life time almost, of abuse using it, but then again, it’s got me through it all. :O)Hope your weather is good when you get home.

  2. Patsy Irene says:

    Nice job today, I feel guilty (almost) sitting watching you work. :) Our backs speak a great story so we have to listen to them.

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