Tuesday February 20, 2024 Guerneville CA.
Rainy day
It seems most days are rainy lately, but that’s ok with me. Rain makes everything go.
The rain stopped for a bit around noon and was to continue around three, so that meant I had some time to get some stuff done.
I rode on up to the big tree I was cutting off the road to get a load of firewood.
It didn’t take long to fill up the rig with firewood.
I continued on down the road and stopped at Choker Spring for a drink of water.
Choker Spring for a drink of water. The little stream is flowing quite nicely right now with all the rain.
A little further down that road brings me to this overlook where there is a trail I’m working on.
The forest looks like it’s raining but it’s actually water vapor rising back up after the rain.
Trail work
I walked out the trail where I have some tools and a chair stashed and sat down for a break. I’m going to widen this part of the trail out today.
The rain had stopped but the trees were still dripping like it was raining lightly.
I worked until the real rain started again with a shower and only got half of what I’d planned to do today done.
Time to go before I get real wet. I stopped in a couple spots to cut some tree roots with the Sawzall since the battery had a good charge on it.
Back at the overlook, this is now light rain coming down.
I didn’t stay at the overlook long as I was getting wet with no rain gear on.
Back home, I had to wait until a shower stopped before unloading the wood from the rig. I’ll have to split those larger ones.
Nice day.