Gathering Rocks To Control Erosion and New Chickens

Monday February 19, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Rainy day

A thunder storm came in early this morning and let up around noon. The weather guys said it would just be cloudy until about four when the rain would continue. Wrong.

Rock work in the forest

I use larger rocks to dam up drainage ditches to prevent erosion and this one had washed out some of the larger rocks during a big rain storm a few weeks ago.rig1

You can see some of the rocks that were left after the wash out. I need larger rocks to prevent that. I rode around some of the roads to collect some more rocks.dams2

I collected a load of rocks and ended up at this overlook for a break.rig4

It wasn’t raining so I sat around in one of the chairs for a spell.forest3

This is the load of rocks I’d collected along some of the roads. My back says I shouldn’t pick up some of the larger ones. I’ll have to put Skiddy to work on the  larger ones next time.rocks5

I drove on down to where I needed the rocks and unloaded them.rig6

Before I was done, the clouds let loose. I had to sit it out in the rig until it let up in about ten  minutes as I didn’t want to put my rain gear on. I just have a few more smaller rocks to unload and finish up.dam8

I finished unloading these rocks.loaded7

I need some more rocks to finish up the job, but not today. It’s a good start.dam9

I over did it on my back so I headed on home from there for a nap.

Chainsaw repairs

I decided to have a look at the Husky my brother gave to me. I checked the spark plug and it wasn’t firing that good, so I cleaned it and it tested out ok.saw10

I tried some starting fluid in it, but it just wouldn’t fire that fluid, which is strange if the spark is good. This saw  has a real  hard pull when trying to start it, so I didn’t last long before I gave up on it for now.

Plum trees blooming

I did some sitting around after that. Lots of  my plum trees are blooming right now which likely isn’t good to get them pollinated as the bees are staying dry and not doing their job.plums

Thunder clouds were in the sky and the rain would break loose every so often for a short time.sky12

New chickens

When I went to put the chickens away for the day, I found these new hens that Tom mentioned he was going to get earlier in the day.chickens13


The proper way to introduce them to the flock is to wait until dark and put them up on the roost with the old guys which I did. That keeps them from getting beat up by the old flock and seems to work. The new guys are on the right.chickens

Nice day.

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One Response to Gathering Rocks To Control Erosion and New Chickens

  1. Judith says:

    I’ve never been able to figure out where to put the larger rocks and or the smaller rocks to prevent erosion. But apparently you have it figured out. Or should by this time. Ha.

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