Monday January 19, 2015 Jenner CA.
Waiting by the phone for not
This morning I decided to stick around the phone a bit before heading out to kayak. The purpose was to be by the phone for at least some time in case I would get a call for my next doctors appointment. I sat around for an extra hour and then took off for Jenner.
I decided to come home a bit early for the same reason. All for not. I discovered later today that today was a holiday. Oh well. :O)
Kayaking Jenner
I arrived at Jenner to a nice day. Only a few clouds in the sky and the wind was down. After getting the boat in the water and crossing over the river to Penny Island, I decided to head on down to the river’s mouth area to check it out and see what was happening down that way.
Here, I’m working my way down the side of Penny Island.
When I got to the down river end of Penny Island, I stopped for a break before continuing on across and down towards the river’s mouth area.
Here is what it looked like as I left the end of the island. It looks windy, but it’s just a breeze.
I passed by this little duck as I went.
There were lots of seagulls resting on the sandy beach.
I’m headed over to the rocks on the right side of this picture to sit and watch the goings on. This spot is just inside the open river’s mouth as the river is going out to the ocean just to the left of the rocks.
Open river’s mouth
This is what it looked like from that spot as I watched. I can see a seal and a a sea lion fishing in this picture looking out the open river’s mouth into the ocean.
Some harbor seals were beached across the river from me. Note the ocean waves breaking over the sandy beach in back of the resting seals.
There were a number of harbor seals swimming around in the water in front of me.
The ocean was fairly rough. Lucky for me those big waves broke down just on the other side of the sand.
Oh oh, a sea lion checks me out
As I was sitting there, I heard a snort and looked up to see this sea lion about ten feet from my boat, closer than I like as the sea lions are big and powerful and move real fast through the water and could do me some damage without trying too hard.
It came closer, so I braced, getting ready for most anything as it swam on by. I’d rather they kept their distance. This was a young one and was most likely just curious.
I trust most of the harbor seals as they aren’t aggressive. But the sea lions, I don’t trust as they can be aggressive. They are a lot bigger and faster moving in the water than the harbor seals.
I was down at the mouth for a couple hours and decided to call it a day and go sit by the phone, so I headed on in for the day.
This was my view as I left the mouth area heading back up the river.
Since I had to hang by the phone when I got home, I hit the couch for a nap. Around five PM, I was reading some news and discovered today was a holiday. Such as things are. I’ll try again tomorrow.