Marty Comes By for a Visit and We Discuss Our Old Vans

Saturday May 2, 2020 Guerneville CA.


I went out this morning to work on my van but never did get started on it. I just sat around chair hopping.van


I knew Marty was coming by around noon so I waited.

Marty visits

He showed up in his old van a 1968 Chevy, one year younger than my van a 11967 Chevy.marty


We put 4 wheel drive on his van first long before I even had a van.

Discussing van stuff

We sat around discussing some things he needed to fix on his van and I showed him what I was doing on my van.

We had a couple real short walks around the yard to check things out and to get a tiny bit of exercise.

Light drizzle

After that we were sitting there and some very tiny rain drops started to fall, a very light drizzle almost not raining.

We continued our bull session and he left for home around 3. I was thinking of doing some stuff on my van but the very light drizzle picked up a tiny bit more so I wasn’t encouraged to do much on it.

Fired up the wood stove

I went in the house and got the wood stove going to warm things up a bit. I never did get back to working on the van but Marty and I had a good discussion about vans and made some decisions on what to do to improve things on them so it was actually a productive day and it was good to have a day off mechanicing.

So the day all worked out great for another nice day.

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One Response to Marty Comes By for a Visit and We Discuss Our Old Vans

  1. DAVID EVANS..upriver... says:

    Lets see..1969 Dodge Slant 6..’81…’84….all 6’s…..If I could go back in time….
    Some blogger in Illinois showed reg gas @$1.13……Except we can’t go anywhere’s…
    What’cha gonna do?…Just keep smiling and hope to camp soon!…Eh?…

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