More Yard Work and Working on the Van

Sunday, May 26, 2013, Guerneville, CA.

Mowing weeds in the morning wasn’t the way to do it

Decided this morning that I’d stay home, since it’s a holiday and lots of people are out and about. Seemed like it would be a good day to get some more spring chores done.

After procrastinating for awhile, I gassed the push type mower and attached the weeds in the yard. I attached rather hard and that was a mistake. Even though I got a lot of weeds mowed, it was hard recovering from the nap that followed.

That really wore me out. I still had some things I wanted to get accomplished today, but I was having a real hard time getting going again. I should of left that mowing for later in the day. Darn and oh well. We won’t even mention how bad my body hurts. :O)

Late in the afternoon I got around to checking out why my van wasn’t charging the battery. Could I have knocked something lose when I put in the headlight relays?

Last night I had this thought that it might be a fuse. So I looked at the repair book to see if any of the fuses was for the alternator, but none was listed. Looking at the van some more I noted that some gauges weren’t moving like they should. I tried the heater fan and it didn’t work. Ha, ha, a clue. Looking at all the fuses closely, there was one with a broken glass. Replacing that didn’t help the problem. I looked at the book again for the heater fuse placement and took that fuse out. It was good, maybe just a bad connection? Sure enough, putting it back in the fuse block solved the problems. I replaced that old fuse with a new one anyway.

I also replaced the air intake duct to my new fuel injection unit on the van. The one I took off was too rigid and I had it come lose once on a real wash boarded road. I purchased a flex hose at Pep Boys the other day that was made for intakes, so now the connection is lighter and has much more flex than the heavier old unit I took out. It gets rather hot in the van engine compartment, so I hope this plastic hose holds up.

I had a couple more little projects that didn’t get done, which was ok with me. I’m retired. :O)

I did dig a few potatoes out of the ground, in my blueberry patch, which I had for dinner and they were yummy. My potatoes grow very nicely without doing anything to them in my blueberry patch. The two plants seem to get along well together.

The end result of whether I should have moved the weeds in the morning or the evening are never the less, the same. I got some weeds mowed and the end result is my body is quite sore. Such is life.

Had a good day.

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