Off to the Imperial Dam

Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013, Quartzsite, AZ.

I’m headed south today.

I’m up and getting ready to leave down highway 95 to the Imperial Dam area just above Yuma. I’ll be turning west on the road to Martinez Lake on the way down and then back out to the Imperial dam area. I’m just checking the area out and hope to find some places to kayak.

After that, I plan to check out the Growler pond area by Growler and the south end of the Kofa Refuge, where the road enters from the south. After that, I plan to got to Dateland for a day or two.

So, I won’t have much internet access out there for a number of days. I’ll post when I get some internet access.

Just now organizing things in the van, then to Quartzsite to get gas and some things and I’ll be headed south shortly.

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