Otters and a Bobcat, kayaking Jenner, CA.

Monday, Dec. 31, 2012 Jenner, CA.

Headed for Willow Creek with Steve today.

I met Steve down at Jenner and he wanted to kayak up to the Willow Creek area today, a couple miles or so up the river from the Jenner put in. We were on the water around eleven AM, with a tiny chilly breeze blowing from the East.

We paddled across to the island and up the south side of the river to Eagle’s landing, but no eagle today.

Big fish coming into the river today, as the seals were eating them.

We did see a seal with a big fish on the way up.  Steve said it was about a four pound fish, good enough for me. The water was just coming off chocolate and was just starting to clear a little. On the way back I saw another seal with a fish about the same size, so fish where coming up the river today. It’s not easy getting a picture of a seal with a big fish, I didn’t.

Below, I saw this little bird on the way up feeding along the shore line.



Just after the little bird, I came across a bunch of otters, but, they were shy and quickly left the river for the bushes, so I didn’t get any pics of them.

The rocky cliffs always have a real nice green vegetation on them as can be seen below.



Willow Creek here we come.

Below is a picture of the Willow Creek entrance from the river.



After you enter the creek, you come to this bridge. I like to whistle when I go under it because it has a nice sound.



We sat around out of the wind for awhile in Willow Creek, then started back down the River.

A lazy bobcat in the field.

Below, I spied this Bobcat across the river laying in the open grassy field.



I’m not sure what it was doing out there in the middle of the day, but we also saw these buzzards sitting close by, so maybe just out of our sight, there might have been something dead.



We continued down the river and below you can see what Jenner looked like today. The light chilly breeze had mostly quit for the day.



And some otters too.

We entered the back channel of Penny Island and I ran into several otters. They were surprised so I got a few shots of them before they went into hiding, as you can see below.



The otter below was real curious what was behind the log,……….me.



And this guy too, knew I was there, but couldn’t make me out right away, so I got this pic of him below.



The ocean was real rough today.

We continued down the back channel to the rivers mouth. The ocean was real rough today, as you can see below, which is a picture looking out the rivers mouth into the Pacific ocean.



The picture below is a closer look at the seals and birds resting at the mouth of the river.

birdsand seals


A big ol pelican swooped in and landed near us. Note the rough ocean spay behind the sand beach.




Around three thirty, we were fairly pooped and the sun was on it’s way down, with lots of clouds as you can see below.



We headed back to the visitors center to take the boats out and I came home and stoked the wood fire up as it was going to be a bit chilly tonight.

Had another great day on the water.

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