Pot Grower’s Spring Video and New Metal For a Rack

Wednesday June 26, 2024 Guerneville CA.

New video

The last spring I worked on, I filmed clips as I went. I finally got it all together for a video and got it posted. Interesting thing so far, I think, is the fact that I put the name of the spring in the title and it seems to be attracting more views than usual. I put Pot Grower’s Spring in the title.

I made this video a bit different than my other Spring video’s as I tried to give much more detail than I  have in the past on the process of development of the spring.

Here’s the video.

Video link


Neighbor’s rig

I went over to my neighbor’s place to see how they were doing on the diesel problem. I found Jerry and he said he’d found a video on the exact injection pump and was going to take the unit apart and see if he could free up the stuck throttle.

Here’s Jerry sitting up the pressure washer to clean the engine up before he starts working on the injector.rig

Getting metal

I need to make a metal rack for all the metal laying on my garage floor which meant I needed to hook up my trailer and head on over to the shopping area which I did.

I’m not very good at backing up the trailer. After telling him I needed a bunch of metal he said I could park like this.store

The metal comes in twenty foot lengths which was longer than I wanted to handle. The owner came out and cut all the pieces in ten foot lengths for me.

We shot the bull while he was cutting it and he learned I was a real old customer when his grandpa ran the place so I got ten percent off.

Here’s 450 dollars worth in the trailer.metal

Car needed some character anyway

I headed on home with it and had to unload it. In the process of backing up  the trailer, I cut the corner too much and smacked the side of the trailer tongue in the back of the car causing a bit of paint damage. Oh well, it’s too darn fancy and needs some character. I decided not to be concerned about it as I’m getting older and likely to mess this car up a lot more as I age. Cars are so fancy these days. I  like a rig I can use, like the old days rigs were.

New metal

Anyway, I got all the metal unloaded and now have to think about how I want to construct the metal rack. Oh, all that metal is not for the metal rack and most of it will go on the rack when I get it built.metals


This is the metal I have laying on the garage floor that I need to get up on a rack so I can use the place after I get it cleaned up.mess

Nice day.

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One Response to Pot Grower’s Spring Video and New Metal For a Rack

  1. Dennis Olson says:

    Bob, my wife Sharon and I met your neighbor Fred the other evening at River’s End. We shot the bull awhile, and it seems like your area has a lot of nice folks, including, of course, Tom and Dominique.

    – Dennis Olson

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