President’s Choice Jeep Trail

Sunday, Feb. 24, 2013, Parker, AZ.

Attempting to Jeep the President’s Choice Jeep Trail

I joined Marty and Patti for a Jeep ride with some friends today. I rode with a guy named Dennis.

We met at nine am at the fire station and headed up 95 to Parker and gassed up the jeeps and went just a little further north, where we turned off on the road that went to the famous Dessert Bar.

Airing down the jeep tires.

As soon as we got off the highway, we stopped and aired down the jeep tires to make for better traction and a better ride.

Below is where we stopped to air down the jeeps.



We took some side roads before getting to the Presidents Choice trail that were fairly challenging.

Below is a picture of Dennis climbing over some rocks on the road.



The sign that marks the President’s Choice Trail.

Below is a sign marking the trail. Now this trail is real rough and not one most jeeps can make.



Only the two Dennis’s tried the rocks on that trail.

Dennis in the while jeep gave the rocks at the start a try and made it, but had t turn around and come back out as the nest set of rocks was not doable without big side scratches.

Below, you can see Dennis climbing the rocks.



The Dennis I was riding with gave it a shot next and did it well.

Below is picture of Dennis climbing the Presidents Choice rocks at the start. He also had to back down as he didn’t want to put big scratches in his jeep either.



More tough roads to try in the area.

No one else wanted to give it a try so we did some of the other roads around there which were almost as challenging.

Below, you can see one of the places we all went though, on our way to lunch.



Some of the places  we went were nice and tame.

Below is one of those places.


The picture below is of Dennis going though one of the not so easy places on the way to lunch



Lunch out of the wind.

It was real windy so we found a spot mostly out of the wind to have our lunch.

Below is a picture of where we had lunch.


After lunch we did some more four wheeling on the roads around the road that goes to the Dessert Bar.

Below, you can see Marty taking his jeep though these rocks.



Below, Marty is still plugging along making it though some more rocks.



On our way out we took a little wash that was real challenging and we came out at the River Island place where there is a gas station and a store on highway 95.

That was it for a nice day of real jeeping.

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