Quick Work With the Gas Blower

Tuesday October 22, 2019 Guerneville CA.

Today I wanted to use the blower I borrowed from my brother and blow off the leaf debrie on the roof and driveway. But I wasn’t ready to start with that right away so I set some sprinklers and puttered around the yard doing little things here and there with a bit of sitting around too.

Gas blower

In the early afternoon I finally got to the blower and climbed up the ladder onto the roof. It started right up and it did a good job much faster than any other way of doing it and it does a better job as it blows things out from under things.

Here’s the redwood leaves I blew off the roof. And that’s the gas blower I borrowed from my brother.leaf


Noisy blower

After a good break I blew off the porches and the carport and the driveway and then went out to the front gate and blew that part of the driveway off too. I figure that all would of taken me about a week with sore muscles without the noisy blower.

It finally ran out of gas so I stopped doing that for the day. I still have some to do in the back but not much.

It sure blew up a lot of dust around the chicken pens and the chickens weren’t too fond of it either, the noise or the dust.

Nice evening

All that deserved another break and some chair hopping sitting around the yard until it got dark as it was a nice evening out, warmer than I expected for a fall day.

That’s it for another day shot to hell in my life. :O)

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