Ride In the Hills and Cleaning Out the Carport For the Van

Sunday October 10, 2021 Guerneville CA.

Ride in the hills

I heard a clank out front this morning and when I looked out the window it was my brother Barry in his truck with his dirt bike so I went out to see what he was up to.

He was going for a ride up in the woods so I got my dirt bike out too.barry


We sat around a bit shooting the bull then Barry suited up and off we went for a ride.suitup


Stay off the real steep stuff eh

He asked where I wanted to go. I said anywhere except the real steep stuff, so off we went.


We rode all over the property up and down and around and around before stopping at the Old Indian Spring for a drink of water.spring


We took off from there riding all around pretty much covering all the roads up there. We stopped here for a bit.DSC06438


Rest spot

And we rode on up to the Top of the World where we take a good break and shoot the bull a bit.top


Nap time

And from there we rode around some more eventually ending up back at my house. Barry took off for home and I had something to eat and a nap.


My plan for today was to get the carport cleaned out so I can park the van back in there. It’s full of tools and stuff from working on the van repairs and other projects I did this summer.

That took most of the rest of the afternoon but I did get most of it done although I still have to put away a few more things once I find a spot for them.

The van got moved to it’s spot under the carport. I’ve ordered up some parts for it and when they come in I’ll work on it under the carport.

Chair hopping

I let the chickens out into the front yard and spent the rest of the day sitting around with them enjoying the evening.

Nice day.

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